Я тут наткнулась на блог Тома Каулитца.)))
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Tom's blogID:10 04.07.2009
While I’m having breakfast you can already have a look at the first backstage pics from our covershoot. Can’t tell you too much yet but we shot for 2 days till late at night and everyone had to do tons of overtime. All of this because Gustav and Georg took forever in make-up....as usual. Oh, and Georg had too many bananas and spent a lot of his time on the toilet....
Btw: The pic of me here beside the blog window is from the session.
Бедный Георг, сочувствую.)))))
ID:14 04.07.2009
I can’t wait to meet our new stage designer and finally develop some new LIVE ideas. That’s pretty much the most exciting part before the tour kick-off. Well, obviously aside from the challenge of having to teach Bill, Gustav and Georg all their lyrics and instruments on time ... But until it’s show time I’ll keep on collecting some ideas. This stage for instance is just amazing!Удачи, мальчики, как же я хочу быть там с вами...)
ID:17 05.07.2009
I got his album right after the release and from the very beginning my top song was „Beautiful“. Last year we were in Detroit and drove around the city in our tour bus. It was really noticable that the city was desolate in some areas and that a lot of the houses, shops and factories were empty!Я тоже хочу в Детройт! :о Не понравилось им, видите ли! Привереды!)))
I’ve been searching for Bill pics from the shoot the whole day...some that are decent enough to share
Believe it or not, I actually fund some
Believe it or not, I actually fund some
Вот стопудов когда он писал эту запись, за его спиной стоял и бубнил Билл, ибо сам Том стопудово мог бы выложить какие-нить не оч хорошие фотографии брата. А тут постарался, и не зря - Билл и правду тут божественно красив.))
ID:22 06.07.2009
And now we have everyone up again. Don’t ask me what kind of mission Gustav and Georg are on, I have no clueДобрый, блин.))))
ID:25 06.07.2009
Just thinking about my old school building gives me the creeps. Absolutely horrible. Just so you know, Bill really enjoyed going to school and he was so thrilled every year when the summer holidays finally ended!
Have a look at this school in Berlin and imagine you attend classes there. Had this been our building and if the teachers were a little more cool then I would have repeated grade 10 forever [ok, not true at all]
Хах, да, я читала про их школьную жизнь... Сволочными, однако, бывают дети.(((((((
А Билл и вправду не смотря на всё это любил школу? :о
Чтож, буду иногда заглядывать и цитировать некоторые записи.)))